About Steakout

Steakout is a cheesesteak locator app. It helps you find cheesesteaks wherever you are.

Why did I make this?

I was telling someone about how in Philadelphia, you're never more than five minutes from a cheesesteak. I was partly joking, but got curious about how true that might actually be. I don't know any better way to prove or disprove it than to make an app, which rather handily also gives me a directory of nearby cheesesteaks wherever I might go.

Terms and other stuff

I'm not going to sell your email address, user data, or anything like that. I'll boot off any accounts that make trouble, including posting racist or terfy junk, spam, or other garbage that detracts from making the best cheesesteak locator out there.

I might put an ad on the page at some point, but nothing obtrusive and your ad blocker should take care of it, if you care enough about that sort of thing.